Torque Converter Return Form
PLEASE NOTE: Once we receive your converter it will be a few days after the converter is received BEFORE you get a call from us. PLEASE do not call just to make sure we received it. You will know when we received it by your UPS tracking number which you should keep handy in case you would ever need it. Before sending it, make certain that you drain the converter as much as possible and cap it off so it won’t leak (do NOT put a rag in it). Then send it UPS (NOT through the Post Office) insured and pre-paid to:
Precision Industries
120 Independence Drive
Whiteville, TN 38075
Torque Converter Return Form
PLEASE NOTE: Once we receive your converter it will be a few days after the converter is received BEFORE you get a call from us. PLEASE do not call just to make sure we received it. You will know when we received it by your UPS tracking number which you should keep handy in case you would ever need it. Before sending it, make certain that you drain the converter as much as possible and cap it off so it won’t leak (do NOT put a rag in it). Then send it UPS (NOT through the Post Office) insured and pre-paid to:
Precision Industries
120 Independence Drive
Whiteville, TN 38075